Is inflation a 5d phenomenon? Renormalization group point of view
Алтайский Михаил Викторович
Институт космических исследований РАН
Poster at HEA-2024
Authors: Mikhail Altaisky and Robin Raj
We propose a model of inflation where a 4d locally-lorentzian manifold is inflating instead of a usual 3d space-like manifold. The extra 5th dimension – the renormalization group coordinate – corresponds to the increase of the number of degrees of freedom due to quantum transitions in the Universe. This is similar to the Dirac’s ‘’instant matter creation universe’’, but may have different cosmological implications since the time coordinate is also inflating, keeping the spacetime locally lorentz-invariant. The model was independently proposed by different authors [1,2]. [1] М.В.Алтайский, Р.Радж, Может ли наше пространство-время происходить из пространства анти-де Ситтера? Письма в ЭЧАЯ, 19 (2022) 223; arXiv: 2207.14652 [2] R.Ferrero and M.Reuter, On the possibility of a novel (A)dS/CFT relationship emerging in asymptotic safety, JHEP 12 (2022) 118; arXiv: 2205.12030
Other submissions by the author
2022Может ли наше пространство-время происходить из пространства анти-де Ситтера?