Поиск в данных SPI-ACS/INTEGRAL и GBM/Fermi транзиентов сопровождающих гравитационно волновые события LIGO
Позаненко Алексей
Институт космических исследований
Авторы: А. Позаненко, П Минаев, В. Лозников, М. Барков, М. Торопов
We investigate the data obtained by SPI-ACS/INTEGRAL detector around a time of detection of the LIGO gravitational wave events GW150914, GW151226 and candidate LVT151012. We compare sensitivity of SPI-ACS and GBM/Fermi for short GRBs using Log(N)-Log(S) distributions and confirm that GBM transient event at 0.4 s after GW150914 [1] should be detected by SPI-ACS [2]. If the GBM-GW150914 is a real, then it could be in a shadow of the Earth for SPI-ACS. If so, coordinates of the GBM event can be estimated with accuracy of about 2.5 grad. (radius) and the coordinates not coincide with localization area of GW150914.\r\nUsing wavelet technique we have searched for possible periodic-like signal around a time of detection of GW150914. We found a packet of 8.3 s pulsed emission consisting of a few periodic-like pulses starting about 2 s after GW150914. To estimate a chance probability we analyzed SPI-ACS data before and after GW150914 (about 1 Ms in total) with the same technique. Using different methods (including two-parametric coincidence estimation [3]) we estimated a chance probability of the packet of periodic pulses to be coincident with GW150914 as 0.02 – 0.2%. We have not found any significant pulsed emission in GBM/Fermi data around the time of detection of GW150914. We discuss possible nature of periodic-like pulses after GW150914. \r\n\r\n[1] V. Connaughton, et al., (2016), ApJL, 826, 1, L6. [2] V. Savchenko, et al., (2016), ApJL, 820, 2, L36. [3] L. Blackburn (2015), Significance of two-parameter coincidence, https://dcc.ligo.org/LIGO-T1500534/public